Saturday, October 26, 2013

I *heart* free apps...

Firstly, apologies for my lack of posting. You know what the first few weeks back after a break are like. You need to get your head in the right space, then write a program......throw organising Kindergarten Orientation and reports into the mix and you know how I'm feeling.


I was contacted by the good people at Reading Eggs. They have the most fantastic apps for K-2 learners (I think I own most of them!). A few weeks ago they made Tap the Cat free for a week. They are doing it again but this time it is Eggy Alphabet!

This app is so great for Pre K-K kids and even for your RTI students in Year 1. Each letter of the alphabet has a range of activities to help your students with their letter id, writing and recognition.
They can trace the letter - both upper and lowercase and the best part is, it wont let you do it the wrong way. It encourages correct letter formation :)

Initial sounds recognition for each letter.

The app reads you the word and you pick which initial sound it begins with.

I have used this app in my Kinder class before and the kids loved it! Go and grab it before it goes back to paid.

Available for FREE from Monday 28th October for one week only 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Chickens chickens chickens

Or maybe the title of the post should read Eggs, Eggs, Eggs!

The incubator arrived today all loaded with eggs. There were some totally excited kids in my class.

We kicked off the morning before they arrived discussing what was going to happen (all pages are from my Chicken Diary)
We talked about the lifecycle of a chick and what is going to happen.

We made some predictions about when the chicks would hatch - the guesses were anywhere from today up til Saturday! We also graphed this prediction but no pics.

 We took it in turns to go and have a look at the incubator. We were very very careful not to bump the table.
 Close up of the incubator
I numbered all the eggs so we could keep an eye on which egg hatched first. This discussion got us creating another graph but this time instead of using pictures, we used our names. The people who voted for the  'winning' egg are going to get a prize :)
After we had a good look, I put the pictures on the board and we talked about what we were seeing so far. We did some more writing about what we were looking at . The lines at the bottom 'should' have more writing but we just ran out of time today - it was definitely a chick-a-thon.

I will be trying to keep on top of the chick-scapade with regular blog posts. There was a lot of bad chicken jokes by me in the classroom today so forgive me for bringing them here too.

My best effort -
"Knock knock"
Who's there?
chicken who?
"Bwak bwak bwak" (complete with flapping arms)

The kids thought I was hilarious!

If you like the pages in my pack go and check it out 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


It's always fun to link up with Farley for her monthly Currently...

Listening - We went to a wildlife park today and had the best time. Of course you pass through the gift shop on the way out...and we came home with a dingo and a fruit bat. They are now currently battling with a rogue sock monkey who wants to take over the lounge room! But we had a fabulous day!

Loving - We are currently in spring and are experiencing unusually warm weather....but it is sooo great!

Thinking - Next term we are studying the farm and I am going to push hard in writing for my Kinders. I have just bought some new books from Book Depository and can't wait to do some text connection/respond to text writing. Click the pic to go to my TPT store.

Wanting - How awesome are my new shoes? I bought them and the dress for my sister in laws wedding which is in a few weeks. I just want to wear these shoes everywhere!!!

Needing - Do you guys have daylight saving? In a couple of weeks, we will put the clocks forward an hour and we can wake up at a normal time...instead of insane-o'clock.

Treat - How de-lic-i-ous do these treats look? Click on the pics to go visit the pin - YUMMO!