Saturday, August 16, 2014

Bee a helper!! - Bright Idea!

This has to be one of my favourite link ups. Why? How often to you get so many AMAZING bloggers giving you so many AMAZING ideas and most of them can created with what you have in you classroom?
I know......AMAZING right?
And the AMAZING lady behind it - Shelley from
Teaching in the Early Years

My Bright Idea is about helpers and jobs. I have done traditional jobs in the classroom where everyone has a job for a week, or a term. You have to pick kids who volunteer, some miss out on the job they reallllllly wanted, others forget to do their job every week.

So this year I decided to try Bee Helpers.

So what is it? Simple really. I choose a boy and girl on Monday who is responsible for everything for the week - lunchorders, line leaders, messengers, lights - EVERYTHING!

The beauty of it is everyone knows they will get a turn and everyone knows who the helpers are each week (I display them) so reminding people to do jobs is easy.

So how does it work?
I typed everyone's names on them cute bees that I bought from Pink Cat Studio. I laminated them and cut them out. I sorted into boys and girls because I have an even amount of each and clipped them together to store. Each week I grab the one from the front and display it on my whiteboard.

It doesnt take much room and the kids can see who is the helper. When the week is over, I move that student to the back of the pile and grab the front one. Easy!!

If you enjoyed this Bright Idea, why not follow me on Facebook, Pinterest or TeachersPayTeachers for more?

And for more Bright Ideas from over 100 bloggers, take a look at the link up below! Each idea has a recommended grade level for you :)


  1. I do something very similar - I use two pockets like library pockets and put names on apples, stars whatever and then glue them to craft sticks. I just pop 2 in per day and use those helpers for everything. It's right at the front of the room on my whiteboard too. It's simple and it works for me!

  2. So clever and so cute! Love that it doesn't take up too much room and is so visual, thanks!

    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings
