Thursday, October 2, 2014

Best Bloggy Friends Meetup!

I have to admit, for a while I have been jealous of all the bloggy meet ups I see. I have been lucky enough to meet up with Mel (From the Pond) quite a few times, as well as Stef (Miss Galvin Learns) and most recently Emma (Clever Classroom) but I was hoping for something more.

Boy did I get it!

I had a fabulous weekend in Sydney (my home town) meeting up with some of the most incredible women. They have been my support - not just for blogging and TPT, but personal stuff too! for 2 years and we finally came together to celebrate this friendship!!!!

We spent the night in a hotel very close to Darling Harbour and kicked it off with some drinks and a game - thanks Tania! Many laughs were had :)

No blogger meet up would be complete without our blog buttons on a lanyard, would it? Many thanks to Holly at GoNoodle who sent me these goodies all the way to Australia.

And awesome Mel at From the Pond and Graphics from the Pond gave us all a block of chocolate with a cute scrappy girl on it - we thought it looked a little like Shanyn from Classroom Chit Chat.

Then it was time for fireworks on the harbour (totally arranged *cough cough*) and a delicious dinner. There may have been a cocktail involved!

What a night! I am in total awe of these women who went out of their way to come to Sydney and meet up! 

Thanks so much. You all mean a lot to me :)


  1. Looks like you had an amazing time!! How cool is that chocolate packaging. So cute!

    Luck's Little Learners

  2. Nawwww! Loved it too! Haha that picture of me - Oh DEAR!!!

  3. I love that pic of Shanyn! Hands down one of the best weekends ever, thanks for being a great friend :)

  4. That cocktail looked amazing! It was a great weekend - thanks Brooke! I love the picture of Shanyn!

  5. It was so sweet of you to get us our GoNoodle goodies - those are totally being put to good use this week! Thanks for such an amazing weekend - it's sad to think it was a whole week ago now! We'll need to catch up again, soon!

    Miss Galvin Learns
