Thursday, May 3, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Week TPT sale


Teacher Appreciation Week Sale for 3 days ~ May 6-8!   
With the coupon code TAD12 you will get 10% off anything on TPT! 
Then I will have another 20% off of my entire TPT store!!!
So go and have a look and fill up your wishlist,  then return on May 6th for the big discounts! 

Updated....what did I buy?

I have linked up with Erica Bohrer here - check out what other teachers bought and who is still on sale
Squiggle Stories by Kerri B
Fraction Fun: A Math Packet
Fraction Fun - The Teacher Wife
Multiplication Mastery: a Program for Basic Multiplication Facts
Multiplication Mastery - Shelley Gray
2012 London Olympics MEGA Pack Unit - 306 pages
Olympic Mega Pack - Clever Classroom
FairyTale Problem Solving - Shelley Gray
Fill Up My Passport: Dictionary Skills from A-Z
Dictionary Skills - Hope King
Pop Rockin' Descriptive Writing Activities
Lets Get Pop-Rockin - Babbling Abby


  1. Thanks for purchasing my Squiggles PAck!! I hope your kiddos have fun with it!
    Kerri B

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Erica for hosting - bad for the pocket though lOl

  3. Thanks so much for your purchases, Brooke! Hope you enjoy!

    Teaching in the Early Years

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I'm so giddy that you commented here ;) thanks Shelley you are a rockstar for making such great products

  4. Brooke, I just found you, I'm so happy! I randomly clicked on your image on Erica's blog list, which I just joined. We keep on bumping in to each other in cyber space!!! I contacted you a while back as I noticed (on TpT) that you were from Panania and I use to live at Milperra and then East Hills (I hope you don't mind me saying)!

    Thanks so much for promoting my Olympics MEGA Pack you're too kind, and for also purchasing it and leaving such fab feedback. I am now following this blog. To return the favour of promoting my Pack, I would like to extend the offer to you to join my Weekly Freebies promotion on my little blog. Click on icon should you be interested. We have a different theme each week, you just submit it, follow and I promote it on various social media sites.

    Your blog looks amazing, it's very inviting. I will be sure to drop in to see what you're up to.

    Chat soon.

    1. That's cool Emma :) glad you found me again. I've got some big plans for your Olympic packet. I'll check out that link on your site. Chat soon

  5. OMgosh! Your blog is SOO cute! =)
