Saturday, July 21, 2012

Growing seeds

We have officially started our unit "What's Alive" and we kicked it off talking about what plants need to grow. This week we have been writing rockstars! and written a whole information report. There was quite a bit of guided writing but that is ok as we are just beginning this text type, having not done information/factual texts since last school year.
Anyway, you may recall a post I wrote about Friday Funday. Basically, on Friday afternoon from 2-3pm last term, I chose a bunch of fun activities like free craft, movie time, bubbles and balloons. This past Friday was our last Friday Funday as we start a sports program in this timeslot next week. So I decided it would be a planting session.

Forgive the total photo overload that is coming :)
 Seeds from the cheap shop ready to plant.
 We made markers for our cups so we knew whose was whose. This is just a star coloured in and laminated, then stuck to a paddlepop stick.
 Seed diary created by me! Click on the picture to grab it from TPT for only $1.50
 Our other planting goodies
 Our finished broad bean cups. We used potting mix because it worked out to be cheaper but you can use cotton wool or even paper towels.
 I bought 6 little buckets and divided the class into groups. Each group was given 2 seedlings to plant.
 Cute hey?

 Our finished product! The two little pots were spares that I repotted - just in case :)
 Close up of the broad bean cup. Each student got 3 seeds so hopefully at least one will grow.

Fingers crossed we don't kill everything :) I don't have a very good track record.

By the way, I have just joined Facebook! Come and befriend me (pretty please!)
Hopefully that link works. Can you please let me know if it does not.


  1. what a fun unit! I bet your students are loving it.

    ✣ Miss Nelson✣
    Miss Nelson’s Blog

    1. They are loving it and I am too. Makes it so much easier to teach when you enjoy the unit

  2. I love doing anything plants with my students! It looks like they had a lot of fun! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

    1. They did Lisa, except there was a bit of freak out about their hands being dirty :)

  3. Your planting looked like so much fun, Brooke! We are also doing 'Living Things' this term!! Yay, it is great to see your FB page...I am your newest 'liker'!! Hope you have a great week ahead:)
