Friday, August 24, 2012

Therapeutic Thursday

Hmmm, in the title I nearly wrote Therapy thursday (you all know that some days we feel like we need it!)

What do I do for therapy?

Pinterest! - enough said!

Texas Holdem poker

The Real Housewives of Atlanta or Beverly Hills

And last but not least I hug my beautiful kiddies :)


  1. Your children are adorable! I know what you mean about therapy with hugs. My girls are my therapy too. I had to get blood drawn and the girls were with me. I am so swollen that the tech was having difficulty drawing blood. During the second attempt my youngest looked at me and said, "Mommy I love you!" I about melted and so did the tech taking the blood.
    Where Seconds Count

    1. Thanks Amy.
      Its the little things like that which mean the most :)
