Tuesday, August 28, 2012

There is a chrysalis in my classroom....

Well there is! I didnt have my camera on me today (duh!) but our chrysalis 'cage' and live chrysalis arrived yesterday while I wasn't there. We were lucky enough to be in class when the chrysalis opened today and my kids went nuts! I will post some pics tomorrow :) For the Aussie teachers out there, we ordered them through http://www.butterflyadventures.com.au/butterflychrysaliskit.html and there weren't that expensive. once you have bought the kit, the enclosure is yours to keep and you can just keep 'reordering' the chrysalis. Give it a go!

I'm also thinking about inviting YOU to blog here! If this is something you would be interested in, leave me a comment here or send me an email b_beynon@hotmail.com


  1. Isn't it amazing to watch?? I am always just as fascinated as my students are! There are some clips on YouTube with the whole life cycle if you are interested in showing your students (just watch them first).
    I'd love for you to join my first linky party on Friday called Friday Photo Dump. It's for all of the pictures that didn't make it to your blog posts but you still want to show off! =)
    Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  2. Hi Brooke! I am your newest follower, I would love to blog here with you. I am also a teacher in NSW I have yr 2/3 and I am happy to support other Aussie bloggers out there.
    come check out my blog and let me know what you think.
    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

    1. Hi Tania
      Whereabouts do you teach? There are quite a few NSW bloggers around here.I'm now your newest follower - happy Monday!
      Send me an email b_beynon@hotmail.com and we can set up the guest blog!

  3. Hi Brooke,
    I just found your blog and what a surprise, not only are you from Australia but also not very far away from me! I live in Wollongong. I have only been blogging since March so I am new to the blogging world.I am your newest follower. I am teaching Kindergarten this year. You might like to take a peek at my blog.
    Classroom Fun

    1. Hi Rhonda
      We get down the coast at times because my grandparents live in Dapto. Blogging is pretty addictive!
      Love your blog and I am your newest follwer.

  4. So happy to have seen your post with the link to the chrysalis kit. I will be ordering one for my room!

  5. I usually raise Painted Lady Butterflies with my kids but this year we had silkworms! So cool! I just found your cute blog through 2nd Grade Nest's giveaway, I'm your newest follower!

    Science for Kids Blog
