Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Themed teaching and a FREEBIE

Hi all
Thanks for your support about my shame cupboard. I appreciate that I am not the only disorganised teacher and am very thankful for my cupboard! I have not been into school yet - next week, but promise to show you some updated pics when I get more organised!

One huge difference that I notice  about my American blogger friends and my own classroom is that you all seem to teach to themes. There is Halloween, Valentines, Presidents Day..... the list goes on. At my school, we acknowledge days that come up but don't do much specific teaching about those days - with the exception of Australian specific special days like ANZAC day, Remembrance Day, NAIDOC week (Aboriginal). We have topics for the year that must be covered that fit into either HSIE (Human Society and Its Environment, kind of like social studies) and Science. This year my stage (Year 1 and 2) have covered Built and Natural Environments, Transport, What's Alive and our last topic will be Celebrations. We basically integrate our HSIE/Science topic into our Literacy, Creative Arts and Technology.

I feel a little jealous because what you guys do looks like fun!!! Better than studying transport for a whole 10 week term hehe.

I know a lot of you are celebrating apples and Johnny Appleseed. So for you I have made some cute apple themed writing paper with From the Pond Premium Club graphics. Mel is so awesome :) Click here to go and see her cute graphics.

You can download your apple paper by clicking on the pic. It is in my TPT store. Please leave me some love if you like it :)

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