Monday, October 1, 2012

The shame cloud is lifting...

Thank so much for the responses to my post about my baby girl :) Made me feel very validated in my role as a parent. I know I often just struggle through and hope that what I am doing is the right thing. Your comments made me feel and *warm and squishy*.

Well today was the day. I went into work with the sole purpose of reorganising that horrible terrible mess of a storeroom.

After 2 bags of rubbish, one trip to the recycling bin and about 3 hours... here is the result.

Lots of things still need labeling but how pretty does it look? I even lined all my paint up in rows! My yellow boxes hold my text books - I have a Literacy one, Maths one and then "other" which has themed stuff in it. And look my MAB fit on the shelf!

Yes that is indeed my floor (and I wasn't cheating much in this picture - I gave all the apples away to the kids on the last day and my handbag was outside the storeroom!)

My black and white stripey boxes hold all my games for Maths and Reading. My supplies shelf still needs a little work but I need to buy a few storage boxes to sort it all out.

And that's it! I am pretty proud of my effort....Now how long will it last?


  1. LOVE! You mst feel Sooooo good!

  2. WOOT WOOT! It is SUCH a good feeling, hey? I did all my filing in the last week, so now I get to go back to a sparkling office (hopefully)! :)

    Coffee, Kids and Compulsive Lists

  3. Well done, I have not even opened the door to my home office....starting to feel guilty....such a good feeling to achieve organisation!
    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

  4. What a great space for storage! You are very lucky! I am heading into school tomorrow.....


  5. That looks AMAZING Brooke. You should be super proud of your efforts. I am *almost* inspired enough to tackle one of my organisational tasks! I actually cannot even SEE my forma; dining table as it is covered in resources (ones that are in the making). Well done to you

  6. Looks great! I need to declutter. :)

  7. Look fantastic! It must feel great to get such as huge task completed!

    Down Under Teacher
