Monday, November 26, 2012

Steals and Deals - Cyber Monday Shopping!

Where to begin???

Oh wow! I am so excited to have bought some items from my ever growing wishlist!
Christmas Mystery Math Pictures Worksheets
Shape Monster Craftivity
Snap Cubes {Graphics for Commercial Use}
cvc Words Write'n'Wipe Cards - Print, Laminate, Write & Learn!
Chocolate Bar Fractions Clipart — Over 20 Graphics!

And this isn't even half of what I bought! I am currently looking to make another purchase too (This is why I keep some money in my Paypal account - then I don't have to explain!!!!!)

What did you buy? 

I am linking up with Tales from Room 112
Go and share your bargains too!


  1. Definitely getting the Math pictures for Christmas. They look fabulous! Thanks for sharing Brooke!


    1. I am a huge Pink Cat studio fan! I actually forgot them on my first checkout and had to go back and buy more stuff! lol

  2. I got the chocolate fractions too! How cool are they? I relate to chocolate even better than I relate to pizza :P

    Teacher Kirra:Maestra Kirra

  3. Thanks for linking up! Looks like you grabbed some great items! I'm your newest follower :)

    Tales From Room 112
