Sunday, January 27, 2013

Back to School Eve

Well I can't believe it but here I am about the go back for a new school year. I always think that 5 weeks off is a long time, but this year I had at least one child with me for the whole thing so it did go quite fast (and slow, if you understand that).

But here I sit thinking about tomorrow and what that means!

This is my week this week -

Tuesday - Whole day Professional Development

Wednesday and Thursday - Best Start Assessment for the new Kinders. Best Start is like a pre-assessment so we can see what they are coming to school with. It is mandatory across the state and you have the first 5 weeks of school to complete it. Many schools like mine, do it as an individual assessment before they 'start' and others start Kinder straight away and do the assessment during school time. Would love to hear your opinions on that!

Friday - my one day off for the week but this is my daughter's Best Start Assessment day so I will take her to her new 'big' school.

This year is such a big one for me with many changes personally and professionally.

This post is a bit of a ramble and I will be back to normal next time (here's hoping!) but I leave you with - 
Happy Back to School!!!


  1. Hope you enjoy your week Brooke! How exciting for you to have your little one off to Kinder. My kids go back on Wednesday and I am looking forward to the serenity!

    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

  2. Good luck tomorrow, Brooke - I hope you have a fabulous week!

  3. Enjoy your first week back :)

    I love the idea of having time to do assessments before the kiddies start - what an amazing idea! We have pretty small classes this term (only 12 in each Reception class) so hopefully it won't be too hard to fit in assessments as we go, though I would LOVE the opportunity to have time with each child individually before they start! Do all schools in your area do that?

    I have today off as my daughter is starting Kindy... I can't believe she's four already! I must admit to feeling a bit teary about it (I'll probably be a wreck when she actually starts school next year!). It'll be weird to be on the other side of the fence when I drop her off today!

    Have a good day


    Early Years Fun

  4. Hi Brooke.
    Our Kinders arrive tomorrow. We are doing our Best Start assessments next week. Our school is using our Support teachers to take our classes as swell as getting casual teachers. We are being given 3 days each to do our assessments.
    Hope all goes well for you in Kindergarten. I spoke to Mel today. She is working 3 days on one of our special needs classes.

    Classroom Fun
