Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Currently 2013!

Hi all
I cannot believe (well I can but you know) that here we are in a brand new year! I *heart* Currently so here we go. Make sure you go and visit Farley too.

listening - maybe we watch too much TV, I always seem to be listening to it. And always kids shows. has anyone else lost control of their own TV?

Loving - it is summer time! The weather is great, swimming weather and the kiddies and I are enjoying our time at home and have been swimming in the pool at least once a day. Its great to see their confidence in the water growing by the day!

Thinking - I know that Kindergarten will be tough at first but I am stressing a bit about it. I need to just take a breath and remind myself that I will be fine (breathe Brooke breathe)

Wanting - TPT seems to be calling my name because there is no lesson planning/report writing/ school junk on my mind at the moment. But so far, swimming seems to be winning over the computer.

Needing - the kids and I am off up the coast tomorrow for a few days to visit my dad, who lives right by the beach. And I am actually leaving my daughter for a few extra days by herself (first time EVER). Looking forward to getting away from the house.

OLW - Smarter. No, not get smarter but BE smarter. My goal for this year is to work smarter not harder. That goes for work and home. I need to work out a system in my house that lets me clean it bit by bit and not let it overwhelm me. Same goes for organising dinner. Lesson planning. Resource making etc etc.


  1. Yes, we should all learn how to work smarter, not harder! Enjoy your time at the beach, I'm so jealous! It's nice to meet a teacher from down under. I'm a new follower!


    1. Brooke, I wanted to add my name to your followers. But, it's not showing up on your blog. Just wanted to let you know! I'll check back again to add my name. Happy New Year!


  2. I'm glad you're enjoying the warm weather. It's quite cold here, but I'm not going to complain... it's will be hot before I know it! I see you're from Australia. I met a lot of Aussie's on a tour in Ireland two summers ago. They're all great people and we still chat from time to time. :)

    Happy New Year!

    Miss R's Room

  3. Warm weather? Pool? I must move!
    Have a great time at the beach.
    My Second Sense

  4. I'm glad you are enjoying your holidays Brooke.
    I am having Kinder again this year as well.
    This will be my fourth year on Kinder. I was going to change but I decided I might like another year. They are hard work for the first term but once you have routines in place you will enjoy. It is so heart warming to see how they grow and change in such a short time.

    Classroom Fun

  5. HI! I headed over here from Farley's Currently and I'm your newest follower! :) The beach sounds wonderful- enjoy!! A craft table for your kids is awesome- I want a craft table for me. I actually have a whole craft closet! Happy New Year!!

    Smiles from 2nd Grade

  6. I'm jealous of the warmth, but I'm in Texas so it will be warm very soon.
    Enjoy the beach
