Thursday, January 10, 2013

Ken Robinson

Have you seen a video on TED with Sir Ken Robinson speaking about the shift in education. If you haven't you will find a powerful piece of viewing. It talks about technology and its impact on education. He says that we are educating our children out of creativity instead of teaching it to them. Here is the original video link.

But on our last day of school for 2012, our new principal showed us this talk, but done very differently by RSA. It is one of those animated drawings and puts visuals to the words.

Please go and check it out and share with your teacher friends. It is a long clip but definitely worth it.
Leave me a comment and let me know what you think.


  1. I watched this video about a year ago and found it to be very powerful. Have you read his books?

    The REAL Teachers of Orange County

  2. Wow! Thanks for sharing this, definitely explains my thinking about education!
    The Picture Book Teacher's Edition
