Friday, January 18, 2013

Poppin' for Numbers

I have been a busy bee in the holidays making some new things and having Kinder for the first time ever is stretching my brain. What do I need? What should I make? Luckily I have my own little girl going into Kinder this year to 'test' my new stuff on.

Check this one out...
It is chock full of game ideas and number cards and it is fun! Just ask Madison lol

We played one of the easy games - Numeral Identification, but with a little twist.
This is what I started with - how cute is the popcorn box? It is from Woolworths in the party section. Check out your Woolies or $2 store (was in a pack of 6).

Pop the cards inside (pop - get it?)
 We were pulling a card out and said the number. Then we made the number on the cute ten frame (also in the pack).
We did this one together!. We were talking about adding and how it means making a bigger number by adding more. She was getting it a little but what can I expect? She is on holidays after all hehe.

Even my son (3) had a turn at pulling numbers out and putting counters on the ten frame. We had to help him with what the number was but he was good at the counting. 

 It is on sale until tomorrow for only $3 instead of $4 at my TPT store.


  1. I love the ten frame cards Brooke, so cute! It is great to have in home testers, haha
    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

  2. Super cute, Brooke! I was thinking of making something similar for my preppies this year (we have Scholastic's Pop for Sight Words which they adore!). Will have to stop by your store (after I've had some sleep and am not so jet-lagged!) and pick it up!


  3. Cute! What do you store your counters in?
    22. Lrosloniec@

    1. I bought some containers from the plastic food storage at my grocery store. Great size for counters
