Monday, January 7, 2013

{Scorcher in Sydney}

Now I know most of you are freezing your little butt off and going back to school but today here in Sydney we are gearing up for one of the hottest days on record! Luckily we aren't at school at the moment - on summer holidays so I can try and keep cool, but with the extreme heat brings lots of fires and catastrophic weather. It has been so dry lately that fires are bound to occur and I hope that all my Australian friends stay safe! Luckily, we aren't very close to bush at all but my in-laws are, so I will be hoping my phone doesn't ring today with bad news.

As I am on break and a bit relaxed, I have been trying not to think too much about work - YET! I am working on some new products but am still a bit unsure what I will need for Kinder. I am still working to pretty up some things I used with my Year 2's last year as well because I know they worked and the kids enjoyed them.

**Click on any of the pictures to go and have a closer look at the product in my TPT store**

I'm also interested in what YOU want. Is there something you can't find? I am happy to open myself to something custom if you like. Just contact me at and I am happy to work with you.

I am super looking forward to buying a new computer in the next couple of weeks and getting my new Adobe suite of products so I can do a bit of dabbling in more advanced editing and possibly some frames or clipart? (the jury is still out on this one lol).

But I will leave you with stay cool (or warm) and look after your family. Ill be back later in the week with a more 'teaching focused' post.


  1. Ahhh, I love the lacing cards!! I have a student who has an issue with fine motor skills, and those would be perfect!!!

    The Daily Alphabet

    1. Thanks Angela. My own kids have been having fun test driving the cards :)

  2. Your lacing cards look cute Brooke, hope you stay cool today and your in laws aren't affected.
    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

    1. No phone calls yesterday thank goodness. I actually took a pic in the car last night 5.30pm where my temp gauge said 43!

  3. Hi, I have just discovered your blog and I'm very excited to have a look around! I sympathise with you in the middle of the heat wave, here in Tasmania we had a 40degree day last week and I thought I was going to melt!

    1. Hi Jess. Welcome! I hope you and your family are staying safe in this weather :)

  4. YAY! An Aussie blogger :)
    I'm from Melbourne and we've been having some very hot days as well!! So hot that I have been spending lots of time inside in front of the air con making teaching resources and reading blogs :) hehe
    Anyways, just thought I'd say hi and give you a thumbs up for a great blog!

    Little Learners

    1. Yeah for Aussie bloggers! Thank goodness for aircon hey?

  5. Hi, Great to find an Aussie blog. I am looking for maths centre/activities that use less structured materials than MAB. I have some students who are not yet at the MAB stage and it is really difficult to find much on TpT that isn't MAB. Thank

    1. Hi there. Thanks for commenting. What kind of things are you after? I would be happy to do something custom for you if you email me your thoughts

  6. This heat is unbearable - I'm in QLD with...wait for it.... no aircon! The air has been full of smoke the last few days so it has been very hard staying inside with the house closed up. I'm very much looking forward to going back to school and into my air conditioning!

    I hope you and your family are staying safe - hopefully this heatwave will be over and done with soon so we can enjoy the last of our holidays =)

    Adoring Lilly
