Saturday, February 16, 2013

Kinder Maths Freebies

To make up for my absence, I am going to share with you two maths activities that I will be doing in rotations this week. At this stage, we are just practicing our numbers and becoming familiar with them (and the practicing of rotating groups is part of the learning too!)

The first freebie is numbers 1 - 20. Give the students a bag of numbers and a little bag of pegs. They clip the number of pegs onto the card and then you could have them order the numbers. We are starting with 1-10 this week but the document has numbers to 20. I bought these little pegs from the $2 shop

The second freebie is a trace, copy, draw the right amount of dots and then fill in the ten frame. It includes numbers 1-10.

Click on the pics to go and grab them from google docs. I would love if you left a comment if this is something you can use.


  1. Will be using these for sure Brooke. You are making my life so much me confidence in my "weak area" . A huge thank you!

  2. Thanks Brooke. We are revising our numbers in Grade One so this is good revision for us, thank you!

    Would love to hear more about the handwriting car?

    Learning is Rosey with Mrs Josey

    1. Lol I am so sorry but it is only a hand writing carD which I neglected to type properly. So sorry to spike your curiosity like that ;)

  3. Brooke these are fabulous thank you! I'm teaching preschool in Victoria this year, but hope to go into junior primary from 2014 and beyond, so these will be super helpful. I'm also curious about your' handwriting car' that you mentioned earlier in the week.

    - Your newest follower!

    1. Oh no! My computer won't let me follow you. Eek... might have to try again tomorrow :)

  4. I love you Brooke!! I also went and got some chux erasers today - this week is going to rock thanks to you =)

    Adoring Lilly

  5. This is perfect for my little one about to start Kinder at home! Thanks!!
