Thursday, February 7, 2013

My first week of Kinder....

May I just begin with how my week was?


My first week of Kinder was all these things and more! I take my hat off to anyone who has ever been a Kindergarten teacher - OMG!

It had an extra layer of stress and emotion added as this week my own little girl started Kinder at a different school. Its been hard being absent Mummy and then trying to be dedicated Mummy while a never ending list of things to prep for the next day rolls through my head constantly. Forget fun, TPT, socialising or even talking to my husband at night - I am just too.damn.tired.

And on Wednesday I lost my voice for the first.time.ever. Yep! Kinder teacher + no voice = interesting time.

But it has definitely opened my eyes!

The Kinders we have are an outgoing bunch but academically, it looks like we have a long road to travel together. We are still grouping them together (45 little smiling cherubs) but next week will start separating them into classes after the morning session as they seem to settle a little bit better with some breathing room.

My daughter seems to be doing ok - super tired and not a lot of information shared but that is ok, I understand. The poor little thing had her birthday this week as well (and a vomiting bug to cap it all off). Can you see why I am glad this week is nearly ending.

Hopefully this madness will settle in the next couple of weeks as my darlings start to find some independence and social skills (and I hope they can find the fine-motor skills that they left at home as well - their scissor skills are shocking!!!!)

I'll leave you with my happy little girl, who will be even happier at 3pm today when I pick her up from her first week at big school.

Photo: My gorgeous girl first day of kindergarten xx


  1. Welcome to the club! (I'm SO exhausted, too!)

    It's funny that you mention the scissor skills (and fine motor skills), because they're always one of the weakest area for incoming kinder/prep kids. I know I spent a lot of time this week correcting grips, paper positioning, etc. It's not a skill that they spend a lot of time on at home - at least it seems that way to me. I know we'll be doing a lot of cutting practise in the next few weeks!

    Enjoy your weekend - you, and your little one, totally deserve it!

  2. You poor thing! I love Kinder because you get to see that light come on when thye realise they can read/write/count! It will get better Brooke as you find your feet. I hope your little one had a great week!

    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

  3. Welcome to the exhausted club!! Yep, I fall into bed every night. First term on Kinder is damn hard. I think everyone should do a stint on Kinder, ha ha!1

    I totally agree, Brooke. There are some children that can't hold a pencil never mind a pair of scissors. One of my little cherubs looks as though they will stab me with the scissors the way he holds them! Oh my!

    Some little dears have never been told no so I am the big monster when I tell them what to do!
    Hang in there, it does get better and of course, keep smiling.

    Classroom Fun

  4. Can't believe she's in Kindergarten already! Such a big girl! And still as cute as a button.

  5. Yikes! Hope next week is better for you. Your daughter is adorable!!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  6. Hang in there Brooke! You will get there. I feel for you. I am very spoiled to be at a school where the kinders come very well prepared. I have worked at a school where it was the opposite (prob. where my back problems started - trying the teach them all to cut and write)..... Your little gilr looks so cute!

  7. I'm teaching Kindergarten for the first time this year, and I've loved it! Definitely have some hard days though...and I've lost my voice twice since school started in August! It's SO hard when you don't have a voice! When is your school year? I'm glad I found your blog today, I'm your newest follower!
    I just started a blog recently and would love for you to come by sometime!

    Jungle Learners
