Friday, March 29, 2013

Teacher Tip Thursday

Well this week, I thought I would try something different for

So without further is my first video tip! Apologies about the hair lol

Would love you to let me know what you think!


  1. I love those little containers - last year I used them to hold PVA glue for tables, sequins, glitter etc. I've got a stack sitting at home to use for individual portions of playdough for my class for handwriting warm-ups. Now I can add dice containers to their list of uses!

    Oh - and love the video, Brooke!

    Miss Galvin Learns

  2. That was awesome Brooke! How nice to see and hear you, looking forward to seeing you more often. Well done and the hair looked fine.

    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

  3. Hahah love it Brooke! Glad to see your were brave enough for a video post, lovely to see and hear you. I also loved your tip, simple but definitely effective..

    PS I'd definitely love to see more video posts :-D

  4. Well done you!! Good on you for putting yourself out there. I will definitely use this tip with my homeschooler, as we do a lot of dice maths. Thank you! Please do more of these.

  5. Wonderful idea! The video is great! Keep them coming! :)
    ❀Beth Ann❀
    Taming My Flock of Firsties

  6. Great idea! My kinders love dice games and this will take away the noise and them chasing the dice down across the room, under the table and where ever else they end up!

    Lovin’ Kindergarten

  7. All plаying thе same game they plaу for exаmple, extгemеlу ρoρulаг thеse days.
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