Friday, April 26, 2013

Say It, Write It, Find It Sight Words

I have been trying to devise ways for my Kinder class to get right into sight words this term. I am going to trial Literacy Work Stations (you can read one of my ideas HERE) and thought that this little activity might be an easy independent activity the kids can complete with little assistance.


I had Miss M (5) try a couple of them out for me.
There are 22 different words to practice, all blacklines so it is easy to reproduce as many times as you need, send it for homework, for fast finishers, for literacy centres.....
Firstly, she read the word and the sentence. I have tried to use very easy to read words (sight words and cvc's) but in the event that there are some longer or more difficult words, they are supported by the graphic (AGAIN you can see how much I love Graphics from the Pond)
After reading the sentence, trace it.
Then write it on the lines! 
Then it is time to focus on the sight word (and yes, her sentence says The rainbow is is big. She wasnt happy with the squished 'is' and decided to write it again lol).
Now the picture gets some colour :)
And finally, find the words - there are 3 hidden in each grid, both horizontal and vertical.

This pack is similar to my Say It, Write It, Find It Letter Identification Pack.

If you would like to get one of these from me, leave a comment with your email and say how you could use it in the classroom. 
EDITED TO ADD: The lucky recipient of this pack was Amanda (#10)
Click any pic to go and grab it from TPT.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Old is new again!

I have had this chair sitting around for YEARS! I think we inherited it from my husbands grandma when we moved into her place about 10 years. We brought it to our house when we bought it and it has sat around. It wasn't until it was going to go out in the cleanup when I thought.........this chair has possibilities.

After a hose down, a coat of primer and a can of blue paint....

TAADAA!!! A nice blue chair for my room. I plan on adding a rainbow coloured cushion :) I will be somewhere comfy for me to sit and a special news chair as well.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Blogiversary to me!

Make sure you are following Teachable Moments on Facebook. I will be having 50% off one item each day and a few flash freebies. 

Thanks for all your support :) And here's to another year!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Bloggy Meeting :)

Being in Australia, I get a little jealous of the blog post I read about meeting up with other bloggers.

That is until I got to have my own bloggy meet up!

I got to meet one of the sweetest ladies - Mel From the Pond.

Frog Spot Blog From the Pond

We live around 3 hours apart so we picked a place about mid way to meet and had some afternoon tea at Max Brenners Chocolate Cafe. YUM!

Yes people, fondue is back!
We talked for ages about our family, our work life, our online life. It was great. We do have lots of things in common like our families (we both have daughters in Kindergarten and little boys that we have ruined for any future wives lol), our teaching experiences and the fact that we both liked the fondue (although Mel may have eaten more than her share of marshmallows heehee).
It was great to meet her and it will definitely happen again.

The sweet girl even bought me a present to read to my Kindy's for Mothers Day. It is such a cute book.

Thanks so much Mel :) I had a great time and although you think you talked a lot, I enjoyed listening to you :) If you don't know Mel and her stuff, you are missing out! Go and check out her 2 stores and blogs as soon as you can :)

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Magical Product Swap!


I am excited to be participating in the Product swap for the first time as a Kinder teacher! I was lucky to get Lindsey from Lovin' Kindergarten with Ms Lindsey.
Lovin’ Kindergarten With Mrs. Lindsey

I picked her ABC RTI Teacher led/Partner Games which you can find in her TPT store.

 This is just a sample of what is included. There are tracing cards, each one has 3 letters on it and also has calling cards to match. There is another different type of recording sheet which has the focus letters and a matching picture cue down the side for those learners needing extra support. I put them into sheet protectors and copied the calling cards onto different colours so they didnt get mixed up.
I had partners working on the same sheet and sharing a set of calling cards. They had them all face down and then chose one, found it on their sheet and traced the letter with a whiteboard marker.
 Here it is in action. I found the partner aspect was helpful for those who drew a picture card and had to determine the initial sound.
Some more alphabet action.

A great practice/RTI pack for letter ID/alphabet recognition. Thanks so much Lindsey for letting me use this product in my classroom.

Go and visit her TPT store HERE.

Go and see the review of my Watch me Grow - a Plant and Seed Diary on Lindsey's blog HERE

Grab it for 20% off for today and tomorrow only. Click the picture to go there.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Freebie revamped!

I have been having a critical look at my old stuff lately - you know you have one (or two or more) files that you created when you were starting out that at the time you thought they were awesome but now........


So I have deactivated a few things and am going to give them a makeover!

My newest freebie made over is

It is forever free. Click the pic to go and grab it in my TPT store

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Literacy Work Stations - Teacher Tip Thursday

Guided reading is definitely not my strong suit. Coming from a primary background, kids usually came to me knowing how to read, with plenty of strategies. Then I was put down to Year 2. Lots of these kids could read up to a certain level but some couldn't! Panic came creeping in. I developed something that worked for me, with those kids, at that time. Panic subsided.

Enter Kindergarten.


Know I need to know how to give them the strategies they need to read, to listen, to speak, to write.... you know where I am going.

Enter Debbie Diller.

I read something in a blog post while cruising Pinterest about a book of hers called Literacy Work Stations. I thought I should give it a shot, bought it on Book Depository and it arrived yesterday.

Wow again.

I am only up to chapter 4 but my head is so full of ideas of how to manage groups while the kids are involved in meaningful learning. One of these ideas leads me to....

One of my recent TPT purchase was a fabulous set from Keeping Life Creative. It is a felt story set of the Hungry Caterpillar. Click HERE to go and see it on TPT. 

At the time, I only bought it because of its uniqueness, but after reading some of my new book, my ideas got going!

I was going to use the pieces to create a drama/puppet set and get the students to retell the story!!!

Firstly I cut out each piece, then laminated and cut again. I usually hate that extra step but thought it would be worth it in this case :) How cute are these pieces!!

 Then I sticky taped a long thin paddle pop stick on the back.
How cute is this guy?? Taadaa....puppets!
He was still hungry so he ate through a piece of chocolate cake......

If you love these felt creations, she has other story sets available too! Go and visit her blog/website too

I see this workstation being a favourite as I develop other sets of characters from well known stories. I hope this is something you might use in your room too :)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Classroom Photos!

Well I know it has been a term already...and a long term at that....and I have finally gotten around to taking some pics of a semi-clean classroom to share with you :)

 Weclome to KB!!! This is a shot from the entry to class. You can see that I have 4 table groups and still have a big floor area for group gathering, small groups and IWB stuff. How cute is the craft looking?
 This is the view looking from the front of the room back. Besides my computer to run the IWB, I have one more desktop in my room. This will be used more next term for small group activities or fast finishers. you can also see into the room next door - we have big heavy sliding doors which sadly we have been keeping closed a lot because out classes seem to settle better in their own space.
 This is from the other front corner looking back. I have a cupboard near my door which holds my maths groups boxes and reading group boxes. It is also where the kids put their home reader every day and has other stuff we use pretty frequently like crayons, magnetic letters etc.
 The front, next to my IWB. The extra whiteboard is handy as I can jot things down. But at the moment, it is more of a storage space for papers. You can see the purple cards - these are our Bee Cards (behaviour management cards). When the kids are doing something great, trying hard etc, they are told to get a bee. 10 bees = lucky dip prize. They also get to tell the class they have 10 bees and then the class chants "10 bees, 10 bees, 10 bees". Its pretty cute! Under the board is the rules - Be Kind BE Safe Be Fair (goes with the bees see?) and up the top is the birthday charts (get them from Mel @ From the Pond)
 This is definitely the cutest place in the room - I'll call it the IKEA corner.The green tubs hold books, math manipulatives, playdoh.....I really do need to make some labels though! The little table has been so handy as it is a great spot for group work. The kids love coming to sit here.
 One of the reading spots featuring my crafty recovered chair (and matching IKEA pillow). My books need to be organised better though. The little yellow tub up the top is full of non-fiction sight word readers I got from book club that are definitely a hit with the kiddies. The rainbow chair is highly sought after at free reading time.
A view of the front, featuring my helper Miss M. The rainbow bench is where I sit and the IWB is the star of the show. Someone built these nifty stages and steps for our K and 1 classes as it was hard for them to reach a lot of stuff. On the left is my other small whiteboard which becomes our word wall for our sound of the week and behind that is numbers to 30, ten frames to 10, days, months and calendar.

Hope you have enjoyed a glimpse into my classroom :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

And exhale.... Thursday Tip!

Term one is complete! I have to say that I am surprised! Surprised that I have enjoyed Kindergarten so much. Surprised that I have coped (sometimes I am not the most patient person hehe). Surprised at how much fun we have. And finally, surprised at how far these kiddies have come!!!

Which leads me to.... 

This idea came from Pinterest (I think). When your kiddies are just learning to write letters and numbers, or struggle with certain things, in the past I have often tried to draw dotted lines for them to trace over. But then I found a tip that changed my life.

Thanks Mel @ Graphics from the Pond for this cute little highlighter fellow!

 To help your kiddies, simply carry a highlighter around, show them a few times with the highlighter and then they are able to trace or channel the letter or number they are struggling with. 
We were finding 8 quite tricky this week. There was a lot of high lighter happiness going around! The kids told me they prefer yellow lol.

Hope this is something you can use in your classroom

Friday, April 5, 2013

Word Family Racers

I just wanted to share something I have been working on with you. As I head into Term 2 with my Kinders, I know my focus has to shift from alphabet and phonics and move onto combining our phonics knowledge to read words.

The fabulous clip art is from Mel @ Graphics From the Pond. I am just loving everything of hers lately!
I tested this out with Miss M who is in Kinder. This is what we started with - 2 word family sheets and the cards that go with each one. We also had the recording sheet in my nifty new sheet protectors that were delivered yesterday from Amazon.

Forgive the jammies - Saturday morning in our house is PJ day until we have to go out. Here is M matching the words to the family ending. I should have taken a video of how she was working it out
Here is our finished family race tracks - the ap and at families.

Now on to the recording. The sheet is black and white so you can copy for each student, or maybe have some laminated ones or do what I did with my protectors (can you tell I am in love with these! And I am so going to order more!!!)

Ta-daaaa! Look at that awesome writing! I was encouraging her to say the words as say was writing to reinforce her phonemic awareness.

Here is a look at what is inside. It includes 20 common rimes including

at, ap, ot, et, ad, an, ab, ay, un, ut, ig, ip, in, it, og, op, ug, ow, oy, ub.

I would love to give one away! So just tell me why you need it! I will pick one comment on Sunday night (so don't forget your email!) And if you don't win the giveaway, I'll have it in my store for $2.50 instead of $3.50 for the weekend. Just click the picture above to go to it.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Teacher Tip Thursday

Firstly thanks for the kind comments about my video post last week :) I will definitely consider it again one day....

But my tip for this week is to do with Facebook.

You may have noticed a lot of people have a 'blog/business' Facebook page which they use to promote their blog and TPT/TN stores. This is great! I have had mine for a while and it has been building nicely. It is easy to use and not a big hassle to switch between your personal page and your blog page. But anyway...on to the tip.

I have seen many people posting the link to their product in the comments section. At first I thought why? But now I know a couple of reasons and I thought I would share with you.

1. By not posting the link directly in the post, you can upload a much larger picture rather than the very small thumbnails. You know how visual the internet is right? Catch some more attention with a bigger pic.

2. I read something recently about Facebook not promoting posts which contain links that direct traffic AWAY from Facebook. So if you are posting links directly in the post part, all of your followers may not be seeing all of your posts. By putting the link in the first comment, it allows more people to see the post and consequently drives more traffic to your link.

Maybe this is something you can try :)