Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Classroom Photos!

Well I know it has been a term already...and a long term at that....and I have finally gotten around to taking some pics of a semi-clean classroom to share with you :)

 Weclome to KB!!! This is a shot from the entry to class. You can see that I have 4 table groups and still have a big floor area for group gathering, small groups and IWB stuff. How cute is the craft looking?
 This is the view looking from the front of the room back. Besides my computer to run the IWB, I have one more desktop in my room. This will be used more next term for small group activities or fast finishers. you can also see into the room next door - we have big heavy sliding doors which sadly we have been keeping closed a lot because out classes seem to settle better in their own space.
 This is from the other front corner looking back. I have a cupboard near my door which holds my maths groups boxes and reading group boxes. It is also where the kids put their home reader every day and has other stuff we use pretty frequently like crayons, magnetic letters etc.
 The front, next to my IWB. The extra whiteboard is handy as I can jot things down. But at the moment, it is more of a storage space for papers. You can see the purple cards - these are our Bee Cards (behaviour management cards). When the kids are doing something great, trying hard etc, they are told to get a bee. 10 bees = lucky dip prize. They also get to tell the class they have 10 bees and then the class chants "10 bees, 10 bees, 10 bees". Its pretty cute! Under the board is the rules - Be Kind BE Safe Be Fair (goes with the bees see?) and up the top is the birthday charts (get them from Mel @ From the Pond)
 This is definitely the cutest place in the room - I'll call it the IKEA corner.The green tubs hold books, math manipulatives, playdoh.....I really do need to make some labels though! The little table has been so handy as it is a great spot for group work. The kids love coming to sit here.
 One of the reading spots featuring my crafty recovered chair (and matching IKEA pillow). My books need to be organised better though. The little yellow tub up the top is full of non-fiction sight word readers I got from book club that are definitely a hit with the kiddies. The rainbow chair is highly sought after at free reading time.
A view of the front, featuring my helper Miss M. The rainbow bench is where I sit and the IWB is the star of the show. Someone built these nifty stages and steps for our K and 1 classes as it was hard for them to reach a lot of stuff. On the left is my other small whiteboard which becomes our word wall for our sound of the week and behind that is numbers to 30, ten frames to 10, days, months and calendar.

Hope you have enjoyed a glimpse into my classroom :)


  1. Loving all of your craft and definitely love your Ikea corner. Thanks for sharing your room.

  2. I love your classroom Brooke, especially the little stools for the IWB - what a great idea! I also love your ikea corner, so cute! I love getting a glimpse into other Aussie classrooms.

    Lifelong Learners in Prep

  3. What a cute room Brooke! I love how much room you have! Also love the Ikea corner!


  4. What a lovely classroom! These photos will be in my beautiful classroom pinterest board :)

  5. Hi Brooke!

    I always love to peek into other teachers' classrooms, especially ones from Australia. :) Those hot air balloon crafts are super cute.

    Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep

  6. Hey Brooke,

    Your room looks great, and so many engaging things happening in there. It also looks like you have heaps of space...Thanks for sharing :-)


    1. Some days it feels like no space at all Mel! Especially when all my engaging things are spread all over the classroom lol

  7. You my dear, look like you have settled right into Kindergarten! Gorgeous!

    1. Thanks so much Mel. The problem with settling in is that there ends up being lots of stuff lol

  8. I love all the colour in your room Brooke! I still like having lots of carpet space even in Grade 3. Looks great!

    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

    1. Thanks Tania. I was going for a compromise between too busy and distracting and fun looking. I'm glad you like it :)

  9. Brooke, I am totally in love with your classroom! It looks amazing. :) Consider me so jealous! Love the IKEA corner.

    Miss Galvin Learns

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Looks great Brooke! I am a Reception Teacher in Adelaide. Love your classroom. Very fun and exciting for the children.
    I love the look of your blog too. I am looking to set up a class blog for my children and parents. I was wondering where you got all your lovely graphics from?
