Thursday, May 30, 2013

An awesome birthday!

Well, today is my birthday :) It started off like this

Then I went to work. It continued like this from one sweet little boy

Then kept going! My two friends at work got me some special things to dress in for the day

And then another beautiful girl popped up with another sweet pressie

I had a FAB-U-LOUS day!

To celebrate my birthday my TPT store will have 20% off until midnight 30th May (US time)
I am lucky to have such wonderful people in my life.


  1. Awww, birthday's with Preps is so fun! They get so excited for you! I am so glad you had a very happy happy birthday - you deserve it Mrs B!


  2. It sounds like you had a fab day Brooke, and you were certainly spoilt. Enjoy what's left of the day :-D


  3. Looks like you had a beautiful Brithday and nothing better than it backing onto a weekend! :)

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend-stretched-out-Birthday!

    Liz - BaysideMathTeacher
