Sunday, May 5, 2013

Currently and a Sale!

I can't believe how fast these currently's come around!

Is it sad that as teachers we measure our lives in terms, semesters and holiday breaks!
Listening - we saw Wreck It Ralph for the first time last night and at the present moment, we have watched it 3 times and downloaded the game onto the Ipad.

Loving - We are still having some beautiful warm and sunny days. Please dont leave me warmth!

Thinking - As I move into assessment and reporting time, I reflect on how far some kids in my class have come. Lots of them couldnt write their name and didnt know how to hold pencils or scissors. **insert proud teacher face here**

Wanting - enough said. YUCK!

Needing - I think I would like a new cardi for Mothers Day. Hmmmm

No bucket list for me. Just my winter woolies :)

Go link up!

Psssst. Did you know there is a big sale planned for next week?

Click the pic to visit my store


  1. I'm sad that we are moving into Winter too, I put the electric blankets this weekend. sad, sad, sad.
    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

  2. I LOVE my ugg boats! I think I spend about 2 months of my year thinking I need to finish reports - never get quite as organised as I would like!

    Have a great week!

    Teaching Maths with Meaning

  3. Go on and buy yourself a Mother's Day present!! Make is sparkle. :)

    Hello Mrs Sykes

  4. It is really amazing how fast they can pick things up, isn't it? You definitely should be proud! :)


  5. ahhh lovely feeling when you can see progress, I had the same feeling today when completing writing assessments. Well done!! :)
