Sunday, June 30, 2013

Currently July!

If you have never linked up with Farley's Currently, you should!! You meet new bloggers and read about lots of intereting things. And of course, Farley's posts

Listening - Monday. First day of our 2 week school holidays. Kindergarten daughter bugging me to engage in educational activities. Go watch the TV was my reply (I just need a break!!)

Loving - It has rained pretty much non stop for over a week here in Sydney. But today...sunshine! Mild weather! It is amazing how a bit of sun changes your whole mood. And just in time for 2 weeks at home.

Thinking - I have a prac student who is up to her last week where she controls the class for the whole day. The last 3 weeks of school she was with me she taught lessons, sessions...all building to the day. When I told her she had complete control over programming and all, she was a bit stunned. This is the place for experiments, I told her. While I am here for support, take some risks. If you succeed - GREAT! If it fails, no worries :) Do you remember your prac experiences?

Wanting - time by my self!!!

Needing - to keep on track. I joined Weight Watchers 2 weeks ago and since then I have lost 1.9kg and 1.3kg. I am pretty stoked and past the super hungry phase. Just got to keep it up.

Tips - My kids (4 and 5) are wicked balls of energy! It takes a lot to run them down but on those days...and it gets to 7.45pm...and I am sitting on the lounge is a pretty good day.

Go link up!!


  1. I found you through Farley's Currently! I just saw that you are from Australia! Visiting there is on my bucket list. I am hoping one day!! I have a 2 almost 3 year old and she is killing me with her energy. It is non-stop! I need me time too! I hope you get your "Me" time!

    1. It's totally worth the trip to Australia! Hope you get here soon

  2. Enjoy your hols Brooke and I do so hope you get some me time soon :)

    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

    1. Thanks tania - you know how it is! I just never seem to escape....except to poker lol

  3. Found you through Farley's linky, I am totally loovovvving the font you used on your currently, where is it from if you don't mind me asking?

    Also, I could totally relate to needing some "me" time, its totally normal and good for the mind, body, & soul. I hope you can get some time in soon! & I totally LOL'd at your "tips, tricks, or hints" part :)

    Color Me Kinder

    1. The font in one of cara Carrolls fonts - lick a Xanex lol.

  4. I totally agree with the whole wanting time to yourself thing! I really cherish my "me time" and it can be anything -- even just relaxing on the couch!

    Mrs. Kelly’s Klass
