Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Techy Tuesday....Topmarks Ladybirds

If you haven't used TopMarks before, you need to go and visit! There are so many fun, interactive games for kids and they look and work great on the IWB too.

This one in particular has had a facelift and is working really well in my Kinder computer time.

The great thing about this game is that it only deals with numbers between 1-10 making it perfect for early learners.

Subitizing! Put the right amount of spots on the ladybug

Matching/subtising/numeral identification - matching the number of spots to the number on the leaf.

 Ordering (counting/subitizing) smallest to largest
Ordering (counting/subitizing) largest to smallest

Go and have a look :) Click any pic to get there.


  1. Ooh thanks for the tip! I haven't heard of it before

  2. Hello from a new follower! So good to find a fellow aussie blogger :) You blog looks very exciting, I cant wait to have a look around :)

