Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday Smorgasboard

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I'm on the second week of my mid year break so things are definitely a bit random.
Today my girl and I went to see Monsters U - loved it!!! She was keen for some popcorn...Mum can I have the big bucket? Sure hun, whatever you want lol.
Washi! My new craze. I ordered some from Etsy, which is currently winging its way to me. But my friend Stef from Miss Galvin Learns, told me that some local art shops had it. Well....I just had to buy one two!

Look at this cute onsie! I wanted to buy it for my son as he is Batman mad but the husband talked me out of it....Lucky I know where to go back and find it.

And speaking of onsies, one of my kinder teacher friends has bought a 1D onsie for the whole kinder team to dress up in :)

Random I know!!