Thursday, August 1, 2013

Currently August!

Wow, it is just coming around faster and faster! We are closer to the end of the year than the beginning! And that means...I am closer to finishing my first year of Kindergarten than I am to beginning!

Currently time. Go link up!

Listening - I have every Friday off and we just take it easy before taking my daughter to school and my son to swimming lessons. But the prob with taking it easy is the whinging that goes along with it....

Loving - I handed my program in to my principal yesterday. I have put a lot of effort in to this one and I actually felt a bit like it was an assignment! But now I can relax a little get some prep done (and go back to creating for TPT too)

Thinking - Yep. Make ninja turtle costumes for 13 boys in my class! I have plans (and will definitely be blogging about it!) And also about my baby going to school next year. I filled out his enrollment form to take in today but do you think I can find his birth certificate anywhere??

Wanting - Chocolate! 'Nuff said

Needing - Cleaning is definitely at the bottom of my list priority wise....

B2S - We are in the middle of the year...but for a brand new year I love Post its in lots of colours, coloured pens in lots of colours and lots of cold diet coke!


  1. I finished my first year of teaching kindergarten and I'm on to start the second. I hope you love it as much as I do!

    I can't wait to see your Ninja Turtle Costumes. I bet they will be so cute. I want to have a school concert!

    Yeehaw! Teaching in Texas

  2. I can't wait to see your Ninja Turtle costumes as well!

    There is definitely a sense of accomplishment that comes along with being closer to the end of the year than the beginning!

  3. Ninja turtles will be cute - or school concert is "Girt by Sea" so lots of sea themed music and is P-6
    Paula from Paula’s Place and iSURF Maths

  4. Can't wait to see you get your crafty on and whip up some ninja turtle costumes! I would LOVE a day off at the moment and I get that whinging everyday as well :)

    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

  5. I can't wait to read more about the Ninja Turtle costumes! My husband and I named our dog after Raph.


  6. I always want chocolate - the difference is, I don't have to write it down that I am having it! I hope you resisted - I didn't!

    Teaching Maths with Meaning
