Friday, August 9, 2013

New Blog Design!

Well welcome to my new home!

When I first started out with this blogging journey, I bought a blog layout pretty quick. I wanted to look the part with a cute blog. And I did love the look....I just didnt like that there were a few blogs that were the same look as mine.

I have been thinking about a change for a while and when some of my blogging buddies started getting a do-over, I knew it was my time too.

Enter Christi Fultz.

I know know how this lady does it! She has a store, she designs blogs.....Do you ever sleep Christi?

But here is the new blog and I love it!

If you are thinking of a change, I highly recommend Christi! Go and visit her by clicking on her button below.

Design by Christi

And while you are at it, grab my new button too :)