Friday, September 20, 2013

Five for Friday!

Happy Friday/Saturday! It is a gorgeous Saturday morning here and I am feeling fine....2 weeks off for our term break! Did I mention holidays? Woooooo.

Linking up with Five for Friday to share my adventure from last week.

In the public school system in the state I live in (New South Wales) we have the opportunity to be sport coaches and managers for students at a Zone level (so the schools in your area), Regional level (for me it is all the schools South West of Sydney) or State level. For the past 2 years, I have been a swim team manager for my region and taken a team of kids to the State carnival. This year I upped it a level and applied to be a State manager to go to the National School Sport Swimming Championships...and was successful! These pics provide a little snapshot of my week away!.

 1. We travelled to Adelaide, South Australia to compete at the newest pool in the country (I believe). It is pretty awesome and for someone who has done her rounds of pools across the country and the world, this is definitely right up there!.

2. The competition was over a whole week, but being a school event, students couldn't be out of school for so long without some 'education'. So we had competition on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and then took all the swimmers from all the teams on an 'educational excursion' (I will use this term very loosely as I didn't see the kids in engaging in many educational activities) to the Royal Adelaide Show. Think rides, junk food, was pretty fun but a HUGE day.

3. Medals! My little swimmers did so well. The relays on the final day for my 10 year olds both won gold and broke the Australian record!!!
4. My role as manager was to look after the 10 year old boys and girls attending their first Nationals. They were a very sweet bunch of kids with lovely supportive families. This little note and pressie was from one of the boys. Don't you just love the sentiment?

5. On one the nights I had to get a bit formal and wear my team corporate outfit to a managers dinner. Can you see the beach in the background? We were lucky enough to stay right on the beach at Glenelg.

I have already applied to go again next year so who knows? It was a long week being away from my own family and a lot of prep leaving a weeks worth of work for the casual on my class...but it was a great break from the classroom.

Do you get to have any opportunities like this?


  1. So glad you and your team had a successful week! Looks like you also had a great time, love Glenelg beach, is the tram still there?

    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

  2. Looks like you had a great week! Must have been tricky to be away from your class, but I often think that time away makes you appreciate your classroom and kids more.

    Oh, and YAY for holidays!! I'm going to stay up late and watch daytime TV! Woo!

    Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!

  3. Well done you super talented mummy-teacher-manager-babysitter-tour guide!
