Thursday, November 14, 2013

Eggy App Giveaway!

By now you would get the feeling that I love the apps from the people that make Reading Eggs. You can also probably tell by this folder on my ipad

Recently they have made a coupld of their fantastic apps FREE for short times, which is awesome.

They contacted me about trying one of their new apps called Add to 20

Here is a view of all the games you can play in the game. As the title suggests it is all to do with numbers under 20, but each game has multiple levels which start off with very small numbers and change difficulty.

I will just give you a snap shot of each game type :)
Balloons - pop the answer balloon. Each time you clear the screen a bird flies down to sit on the perch.

Each time you get the right combination, teddy climbs the rope.

Snowboard - I could see how the boys would like this one! Ride at the sum at matches the answer on the screen. But watch out for rocks and trees.

Sheepdog - Get the dog to jump from sheep to sheep on the right answer. The sheep are moving across the screen which makes this one more fun

Memory - Find the right question and answer to match.

Fishing - Find two fish to make the number in the corner of the screen

I really like this app, simply because you could use it to meet a wide range of learners with the different levels! The games are easy to follow and learn.

The Reading Eggs people have given me 3 codes for this app to give away! All you need to do it enter the Rafflecopter below. It will be drawn in 2 days.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

**All views in this post are my own. Please use your own discretion when using this app with your class **


  1. I'm a huge fan of Reading Eggs too Brooke! My kiddos love it... I just wish we had more ipads at work to be able to use their apps as well.

  2. Hi Brooke,

    I couldn't wait to check out this app so I downloaded it this afternoon as soon as I read your post. :) I LOVE the Eggy apps - my kids do too. I'm planning on using this one in my Maths groups next week.

    Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!

  3. I'm a MASSIVE fan of Reading Eggs - I use the apps a lot with the little autistic girl in my class. She loves using it on the computer and the iPad.

    Miss Galvin Learns
