Friday, December 6, 2013

Five for Friday!

Its been one of those weeks! With only 2 weeks left of school to go, I am starting to feel happy and sad all at once. My first group of Kinders ever - nearly big Year 1 kids. My own daughter, nearly finished Kinder! Its been a massive year of firsts for me!

1. I got my Christmas shop on with this awesome delivery of Scentsy! And some of it may have been for me too!

2. The kids decorated the tree BY THEMSELVES with no help except the star. Its the best tree I have ever had :)

3. Yuck but done

4. I have my very first class elf, named Elfie. The kids are lapping it up. Here he is on his first day -

And later in the week.
 After we planted the TicTacs in the garden, we brainstormed what might grow and then the kids drew and labeled their ideas.

5. My week finished with the little man graduating from preschool. I cannot believe he is ready for Kindergarten. hugs your babies tight - they grow way too fast.


  1. This is my first year having an elf in my classroom too! I am in love! They have competitions each morning to see who can find him first. I love the name they chose for your elf!
    Bright Concepts 4 Teachers

  2. Haha! I love Elfie - that was one of my class' options, too (we settled on Elfina).

    Totally going to borrow the TicTacs idea next week. Elfina's doubling as a behaviour reminder for some of my kiddos who have lost the plot already. Only 10 more school days to go...

    Miss Galvin Learns

  3. So, what are you going to have grow where the tic tacs are?

  4. The tic tacs are going to grow into candy canes :)

  5. I love your tic tac garden idea! Kiddos definitely grow up way too quick!

  6. Tic Tacs!! What a genius idea! Love it!! :)
    KErri B
    Teacher Bits and Bobs

  7. Yay for Scentsy! I love your Christmas Tree, your kids are so cute!

