Friday, January 31, 2014

Currently Feb!

I love Currently! Last month I didnt get it I knew I had to this time!

Listening - HIMYM (or How I Met Your Mother for the uninitiated). In the past month I have worked my way through 8 seasons. It is my favourite show! I am so sad that it is the last season

Thinking - Next week is our first week with our new Kinders. We are going to do a bee craft, school bus and an 'a' inspired craft. And it is all prepped and cut! Except for the googly eyes - why cant they sell packs with ALL THE SAME SIZED EYES?????

Wanting - After seeing a fantastic video on Deanna Jump's Facebook about using magnetic wands to blend CVC words, I knew I had to get my own. And they are on the way according to my emails ;)

Which is the fib? If you comment with the correct answer, I will send you an item of your choice up to a $5 value. Dont forget your email.


  1. Hey there! Viewing you from the link up! :) I LOVE me some HIMYM, I knew what show you were talking about!! I'm sad to see it go but I'm excited that we FINALLY met their mother. :D Good luck on your new class! And I'm going to take a wild guess here... Is it the third one, you just stopped biting your nails?

    Alexis at Laugh. Eat. Learn.

  2. I think we need to be friends... I have every season of HIMYM on DVD and have all the episodes memorized! I love love LOVE that show :) so sad it's ending :( :( I think I'm still in denial. I just love it! Annnd, I love the idea of guessing about the truth and lie... I'm going to guess #2 as the lie...
    ~ Krystal
    good enough teacher

    1. Ok Crystal let's be besties :) We are a bit behind in episodes here as all the new shows stop over the summer.

  3. I too LOVE HIMYM :)
    I think #1 is a fib

  4. Another HIMYM fan! Are you watching the new season online (I use steam-tv or ch131)? No-one else I know is and I am dying to talk to someone about what's happening! I agree with Jenny I would go with one as the lie? I'm pretty sure #2 is true.
    Books, Bugs and Boxes

    1. I've been watching them on TV but now you have given me a reason to watch online!

  5. Did you represent Australia, or just the state? I can't remember! I need to do some crafty activities this week - thanks for the prompting - I need help with this switching down to PREP!!!!!!

    Teaching Maths with Meaning

  6. I love HIMYM too! I am glad you feel organised, that is a feeling I rarely experience, although I am getting better. Have fun with the craft activities.

  7. I'm guessing you just stoppped biting your nails!

  8. oh my gosh I love your twist of figuring out the fib.... ha ha ha
    thanks for linking up and joining the party
