Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Currently April and an updated pack!

 I cannot believe its April!! And that means its Currently time with Farley over on her blog

Listening - My husband has a pet peeve about the kids playing with balls in the house. So I *might* let them play when he isnt home....... ;)

Loving - We have nearly reached the end of Term 1! Its hard to believe I have had my current class for only a term. They have to be close to my favourite group of kids so far! And that means school holidays :) Hooooray for 2 weeks off.

Thinking - I am honestly grateful for some of the wonderful and inspiring people I have become connected to in this crazy journey. I have needed some people to lean on lately and time after time, these women have been there for me. So thank you from the bottom of my heart *you know who you are*

Wanting - It is now Autumn and that means an excuse for shopping! How gorge is this cardigan?
Image of Sunrise Hooded Maxi Cardigan

Needing - I have had 2 days off school already! The doctor offered me a certificate to have another day off but I need to get back....I feel slack for the kids (as only a teacher would understand)

Hours - I try to get to school most days by 7.30 as I like the time in the morning to get myself organised. I am always out the door by 4 to go and pick up my kids. (Our school hours are 9-3 in case you are wondering). Days - Being in Australia, we have only just started our school year and we go all the way through to December 19 before our big break for the year.

Thanks Farley!

Just something extra....I updated my Initial and Final sounds pack today and it has DOUBLED in size! For your chance to win one, simply use the rafflecopter underneath :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I think that cardi is gorgeous!! I'd never be brave enough to pull it off though!!
    Bring on Easter - Have an awesome break!!

    Learning to be awesome

  2. This was so much fun to read & now I'm following you :)
    I agree with you regarding the blogging community - it's such a blessing to be connected with all these positive teachers!
    Thanks for the giveaway - my students would ♥ these!

  3. You just reminded me that I need to go shopping for warmer clothes! I too am very excited for the upcoming holidays! I love Easter!

    Rainbow Lily
    Rainbow Lily Designs

  4. Love the cardigan! That's awesome that you're in Australia. I'm not far from you! I'm teaching English in Korea this year.
    Southern Fried Teachin’

  5. I love cooler weather. We are about to be in the 90's. That cardigan is just darling. Hope you have a wonderful holiday.

  6. Your page is so bright and fun!

    It's starting to warm up here and I know our summer is going to be SCORCHING. I hope your hols are awesome :)

    Anisa @ Creative Undertakings
