Sunday, May 4, 2014

Currently May!

Oh Farley....I love your monthly link up!

Loving - my class is just awesome! So settled, willing to learn....I think a lot of teachers are jealous ;)

Thinking - I have a lot going on this term. Reports due in 4 weeks, Kindergarten Healthy Lunch - we invite the families of all the students in K and we make them a Healthy Lunch (last year we catered for over 100 people!) and NAIDOC week activities like The Great Book Swap and a performer. Whew!

Wanting - enough said!

Surprise - I totally biased. My girl Mel is the bomb! A bloggy friend as well as a real life friend, I love her to pieces and feel so lucky to have found her :)


  1. Found you through the Currently. Cute blog design!

  2. Great blog! I love Mel too, though I only know her through the bloggy world, she is one of the most generous bloggers I've met and she's super talented! I am obsessed with her Scrappy Kids! Hope you find that peace and quiet ASAP!

    Mrs. O
    Mrs O Knows

  3. Visiting from Currently! I'd love to be on an island as well lol!

    Buzzing With Mrs. McClain

  4. Visiting from Currently! I can't believe reports are due soon! So much to wrap up!
