Saturday, May 17, 2014

Organising Table Supplies - Another Bright Idea

I hope you are loving the Bright Ideas Linky hosted by Shelley Gray. It is such a fun and innovative idea to find a wealth of knowledge and information from REAL teachers using these REAL Bright Ideas in their classrooms. Make sure you click back to the linky to find over 100 more great Bright Ideas from teachers around the world!

My Bright Idea is all about how to organise those table essentials. In Kindergarten we supply everything for the students (and beg for donations of glue sticks along the way). Last year I had everything in cups and found that my kids must have been eating the supplies! Red pencils seemed to disappear into the ether but the purples were breeding. And don't get me started about the accidents....the pencil cups just always seemed to be on the edge of falling over (probably because of all the random pencils in there). AND the fights! I had a group of boys last year whose goal it was to have the most pencils in their cups. Did they want to use them all? No way, just collect them to be the winner.

I really wanted those cute caddies you see from Really Great Stuff or Oriental Trading but shipping to Australia is rather ridiculous. Enter the humble cutlery drainer from the $2 shop (you know, where you put your knife and fork to dry?)
Anyway this is what I started with

The baskets cost me $1.50 each and I bought 1 between 2 kids. I also bought new scissors this year for my class in 4 different colours and these colours are exclusive to each table. Each student gets a glue stick each.

Top view - there are 4 compartments. I use one side for coloured pencils and the other side holds glue in one section and scissors in the other.

Pencils in the other side.
The finished basket.

Here they are on tables in the classroom. The kids have been fantastic and will let me know if they have too many of one colour pencil or there are no scissors  because someone has accidentally returned them to a different basket. Even pencils on the floor usually get returned to their rightful home as we can quickly see which basket is missing that colour.

Trust me...I am not an over-the-top-organised person, but for some reason this has really worked with me and I will definitely be doing it for years to come :)

If you enjoyed this Bright Idea you can follow me on TPT, Facebook and Pinterest for more!

And for more Bright Ideas from over 130 bloggers, make sure you visit the link up below and find what you need!


  1. Super easy way to keep tables organized! Love those baskets! Who would know what they were really for?? :)
    Conversations in Literacy

  2. I love those baskets, Brooke! I used them for my table storage last year!

    Miss Galvin Learns

  3. Those look awesome! What a creative and inexpensive way to provide storage for your students. Thanks for sharing.

  4. What a cool idea! I use one of those baskets for my own set of stationery, but hadn't thought to use them for the kids!

    Luck's Little Learners

  5. This is so great, I've pinned you on my Classroom board! ~Fern
