Saturday, August 2, 2014

Bundles of Fun!!! and a TPT sale :)

Have you heard about the TpT sale coming up! One of my fave things to do in the sale, is stock up on  fabulous teaching resources by buying bundles!

What is a bundle? A bundle is a collection of teaching resources that a teacher-author has grouped together in a zip file, so you can purchase it in one time-saving, value-packed swoop!

Not only are they time saving, but they are $ saving! Teacher authors will often give you a significant saving when they price their bundle. 

So you get time and dollar savings!!

Here are some of the bundles available in my TPT store for at least a 30% saving!

So, the lesson to be learned here - is 'Buy it Bundled"!!

I have put all my bundles in my store, in one time-saving store category for you, click below to find it! 

Head over now, and add the ones you like to your wish list! That way, you will be all set for sale day! 

Remember to use the code BTS14 on August 4-5 to get your 28% off!

I have been chatting to some of my friends about the sale, and discovered that they too, have some awesome bundles in their TpT stores! Head over to their blogs to find out more about their resources and special offers! Click on the links below to find them:

I would also like to give you an opportunity to win a TpT gift voucher to spend during the sale. I am giving away a $10 TpT gift voucher - just enter your details in the rafflecopter below!
Have a great day and go get your bundle on! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I have your time to ryhme bundle and I can't wait to use it this year!

  2. Find It and Clip It - SUPER BUNDLE is my favorite - it uses motor skills as well! :)

  3. Can I just say that your dice and card game bundle has been our homeschool maths "curriculum". My daughter who has SPD and a few other issues, is an extremely reluctant writer so active games are a much better learning option for us. You have saved me hours and days of frustration. Thank you Brooke!! My next choice of bundle would be the addition and subtraction peg bundle!! Cheers

  4. I like your dice and card games. Can't get enough of these type of games.
    Thanks !

  5. Find it and clip it! This has everything we need for our homeschool!

  6. I like the dice and card game printing, no laminating, no worries!

  7. I like the rhyme time bundle!

  8. My favorite bundle would have to be the rhyme time bundle... just love anything to with rhyming (like dr seuss) :)

  9. Definitely the Find It and Clip It Super Bundle!

  10. I love the Time to Rhyme bundle and wish I got it when it was $5.50! :)
