Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Currently January 2015!

Oh my goodness! Another new year is upon us. And another Currently with Farley

Listening - There always seems to be noise in my house. My husband is watching a movie and my son has decided it is his mission to catch flies in old bubble wand containers (dont ask, I dont have the answers). 

Loving - Its summer down under and today the weather is just gorge!! We have been swimming in the pool, eating iceblocks and even have the air conditioner on. Lazy summer hols are what it is all about. Here is to another 4 weeks off :)

Thinking - Change is my word for 2015. Professionally, I am moving from K to 5/6 and will lead the team, which is a huge jump (I am excited!). Personally, we will be knocking our house down at the end of February and building again, so before that happens I need to pack to move out. Then *hopefully* before the year is out, we will be able to move back in!

Needing - I have to say I have felt every year of my age and would love a massage! Also sleep would be awesome - my poor Cam has been so unwell since Christmas.

Yes - Control is going to be a key factor in my life with all the changes. Maybe - I always seem to find reasons to not get moving. I wish - with all the change going on that there is no big issues and it just happens :)

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I hope you are enjoying the summer and long break! That is a big change to go from K to 5/6! Hope it goes well!
    Inquiring Our Way Through First Grade

  2. How I would love to be on summer break vacation right now :) I go back to school on Monday and I could use a few more days off. Good luck with your house and the new grade level!
