Friday, December 5, 2014

Currently DECEMBER

Sorry I have been such a bad blogger :(
I even missed out on Currently last month! But I am linking up (a little late) with Farley this month.

Listening - We have tried to keep Saturdays pretty free in the morning this year. At the moment, the kids are playing Disney Infinity and having fun (which is better than the fighting they seem to do constantly)

Loving - 10 days left for school! We have 8 days with the kids and then 2 teacher days. But in the 8 days we have Picnic Day, Talent Quest, Christmas Concert, Gold Reward...... I am excited that we are so close to the end but I will REALLY miss my kids. They have been close too my fave class EVER

Thinking - Its time to pull all the craft down! I also have to pack up my storeroom because I am moving classrooms AGAIN! More about that.....

Wanting - Tomorrow is the day I aim to complete ALL of the Christmas shopping. Wish me luck?

Needing - Its that time of year where all the little things seem bigger, where everyone is a little more stressed and on edge. I feel I am usually a fairly positive person at work but its been a little harder this year. I need a big boost.......perhaps chocolate might help?

Giving - Our Elf Buddy arrived on Tuesday. The other K teacher and I are going for a bit more of a kindness angle with him this year and hopefully get our classes thinking about GIVING to others. And they must be starting to giving the bulging state of our Giving Tree in the classroom! Those boxes are full of food too!


  1. How fortunate you are to end your year right before the holidays!

  2. I love how you are incorporating kindness and giving with your elf. Several teachers at my school are doing that.

    Primary on the Prowl

  3. Hi Brooke,

    Good luck with your last few days of school. I know what you mean about needing positivity - even though the end of year is always busy I can usually stay smiling... but this year was tough! Lots of us at school were counting down the minutes until holidays. Hope you get all your shopping done, that will at least be one thing you can cross off your to-do list. :)

    Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!
