Friday, January 30, 2015

Five for Friday!


Wow, what a week! It is Back to School for 2015 and it has been such a looooong week! I didnt take a whole lot of teaching pics this week as I have not had my new class yet. We have been in holding classes, but should be ready to get to it on Monday.

1. Monday was Australia Day. We are in the middle of summer but Monday was cold and wet! I spent the day packing and trying to look after my poor back which I may have hurt playing pool volleyball with the kids on Friday in the pool.

2. Tuesday was a day I would rather forget. It started with a bad night sleep and a very leaky roof. I then went to put things in my car to go to work and discovered I had left the front passenger door wide open all night - and it had been raining all night! So the car was full of water and mozzies. THEN I had to battle horrendous traffic to drop the kids off. THEN I got lost on my way to our staff development at another school. THEN I was late. Oh.My.Word. 

3. Wednesday was the kids first day back. I looked after the Year 6 kids while in holding classes. Going from Kindergarten to Year 6 is certainly a huge difference - the noise, the discussions, the level of independence, the SIZE. They take up so much space! I was thankful for my classroom with learning spaces, which I think actually gave me more room for them. Once my room is looking more engaging I will be doing a post on it.

4. Thursday - another day in holding classes. I did manage to make some cute stickers for my Erin Condren Life Planner and Teacher Planner.

5. Friday! Nuff said :)


  1. I love your planner - and that panda is the cutest. Sorry to here about your car full of water :( Sounds like next week will be brighter perhaps?!

  2. What a week, next week has to be better.

  3. Yikes! I'm sure next week will be much better for you....just remember to close the car doors!

    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

  4. Hi! Long time reader first time commenter. I am really curious about "holding classes"! I would love to hear more about the process!

  5. I love your planners... Are they Erin Condren?? Can you order them from online? Will they ship to Australia??

  6. I love your planners. are they Erin Condren?? Can you order them online?? Do they ship to Australia??
