Monday, February 9, 2015

Our week in 5/6B

What a huge week we had!
But what a great start to my new class and a new school year.
We did a lot of work on our class, and how we need to be working together for us all to reach our goals. I took it pretty easy and tried to get an indication of where I am starting from with each child. Here are a few other things we did throughout the week.

We talked about what we would like our class to be like this year and I had everyone write 5 words to describe it. I compiled all of their words into this cute Tagzedo and it is stuck next to our classroom door for us all to read each day.
We completed a class scavenger hunt. Grab this freebie HERE

They received some "Tools for Learning" from me.
And created some learning spaces they would like in their classroom using a variety of things including playdoh, kinetic sand, whiteboards and paint.

We began planning our Minecraft themed self portraits and then....

began creating them with paper! I cut out the strips and it was up to the kids to cut the squares. I can't wait to share the finished product!

It was a great week :) How was yours?


  1. What a great idea, Brooke! Love the colouring first and then creating it with squares!

  2. Looks great Brooke! I love the tools for learning, very cute!
