Sunday, June 24, 2012

One week left!

Just a quick one tonight. Had a huge day with my kiddies riding Thomas the tank engine trains (do you have Thomas in the USA?)

I am pleased to announce there is one week left of the school term before I have a 2 week break.

But then minus the fact that I do not work Mondays :) = 4 days left.

Then add that on Tuesday it is parent teacher interviews which start at 1pm = 3.5 days left.

Then subtract Wednesday due to a statewide teachers strike = 2.5 days left

Then you could also take away Thursday because we are having a planning day = 1.5 days left.

Which leaves Friday when my class goes to the computer lab, gymnastics lesson and the day will be rounded off with a fundraising activity tabloid for Red Nose Day = 1 day left

Would you look at that? It's shaping up to be a great week.

PS Don't forget to enter my 100 follower giveaway. Hope your week is as productive (lol) as mine

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