Sunday, June 24, 2012

Parent/Teacher Interviews

Hi All. Tomorrow is my parent/teacher interview afternoon. We send home reports in the 2nd last week of term and then hold interviews in the last week.

So far I have 16 out of 24 students whose parents want to come and talk to me. And probably 90% of those 16 students are the kids that always do the right thing, progressing fine academically etc etc. Its that small percentage of kids that don't return their notes for interview who have the parents you really want to see. Agree?

I'd love to know what you do for interviews. Usually I just have a book and each child has a page where I write a few notes about them. I usually open with asking the parents to lead the discussion, any problems, questions about the report etc. And then I throw to my comments. My hardest thing is the follow up, because truthfully, after talking and talking and talking to all those parents about all those kids with all those questions and all those is a little exhausting. So my new addition to the page with the comments is going to be a follow up box, where I can take notes to follow up with that particular student. Sounds simple hey? Why didnt I think of that a long time ago? At least it has been thought of now :)

I have had a few emotional interviews where parents genuinely are struggling to understand their child and how to help them and then I have also had those interviews where the parent refuses to believe that their child is anything other than golden (haven't we all been there".

The best interviews I have had is where a parent tells me how much their child enjoys coming to school, for reasons obvious. Nothing like that kind of recommendation.

So tell me about your horror interview story to pump me up for tomorrow. 1pm til 7pm is a long long long time. Makes me wish I liked drinking wine hehe

1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog through Shanyn at Coffee, Kids and Compulsive Lists!
    I feel for you with the parent/teacher conferences (interviews). I have had some really sad stories and some that were inspiring! I hope everything went well today.
    Your newest follower,
    Where Seconds Count 2nd grade blog
