Saturday, November 3, 2012


Wow. Yes November. That spins me out so much to think that we are in Week 5 this week of an 11 week term and then its HOLIDAYS FOR 5 WEEKS!! Woooooooo. We should find out what class we will have in the next week or two and I am actually expecting a bit of a change for me, so stay posted - I may just have a mini freak-out!

But anyway Currently....
Thinking about reports - you may wonder why completing Currently is more important than finishing my reports. I am wondering the same thing....but still here I am hehe.

I looooooove online shopping. Raise your hand if you agree *sees a sea of hands waving at computer screens all around the world* Such a shame that my fave online shoe store Endless was taken over by Amazon :( No more free shipping.

Our boss bought some ipads last week. Some staff are scared to remove from box. Others didnt know you could plug it into computer....This PD is going to be very challenging.

And Gangnam Style by Psy. Has it hit the US like it has here?If you dont know it click here to watch. It is absolutely insane - all the kids love it. This is why it is the finale dance for our K-2 Christmas concert. Yes I know it has nothing to do with Christmas. No I dont care (last years finale was Party Rock Anthem). please.dont.judge.

Oh' boy fourth grade


  1. You are so awesome! I do love shopping online. It is so much better than store to store. Good luck with the iPad PD! Maybe I will fly to Australia and attend it. HA! I would love that though :)

    1. I am willing to work around your schedule lol. See you soon :)

  2. What Apps do you use for the iPad? I need to use mine more in my classroom. My kids love Gangnam too! Our fourth grade team did the dance last month for our Reading Walk-A-Thon fundraiser.

    1. I have only just experimenting but if you have facebook sign up for Smart Aps for kids - gives you free ones every day that are sometimes up to $5. My boys are liking Math Turbo Racer at the moment.

  3. I want an iPad!! I love online shopping, super easy to keep secrets from my kiddos and I think there's more choices!
    The Resource(ful) Room

    1. All the best stuff (that I want) is from the US though and the shipping can get a bit pricey!

  4. You're not the only one hearing "oooohhhh sexy lady!" here in California, my kids love it too!
    Kindergarten Schmindergarten

    1. hehehe I love how they think they know all the words

  5. Ok now that song is stuck in my head!!! And you said the R word. We wrapped up parent conferences and we're still trying to get back in the groove. Can't even think about report cards right now!!! Best of luck to you-hope they are a breeze :)
    ~Christy & Tammy
    Fluttering Through First Grade

    1. whoop whoop whoop hehe. Hope you can find your groove soon :)

  6. My hand is definitely waving around in the air! I can't believe your reports are due so early! Good luck getting them done this week!

    Teaching Maths with Meaning

    1. I do understand how difficult it must be to read over them all but I agree - way.too.early.

  7. My husband is a middle school teacher and his staff is using that song for a talent show/fundraiser next month. Good luck with your PD!
    Funky First Grade Fun

    1. I can't believe how it has taken off! Good luck for your hubby's talent show :)

  8. Oh man! I would love for it to be warm here. Here in the states winter is coming and it is getting cold FAST! Enjoy the warm air for me!

    1. Oh definitely - my kiddos were jumping in the pool today - a bit cold though :)

  9. I'm with you on needing/wanting to do some online Christmas shopping!!! Time just seems to fly!!

    I'm your newest follwer! :) Come check out my blog when you can!
    Mrs. Hodge and Her Kindergarten Kids

    1. I just wish I stopped clip art shopping and started doing real shopping hehe. Thanks for stopping by.
