Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Division Board Games

This week in 2B we are looking at Division. I was having a discussion with a colleague last week about the lack of 'interesting' board games which cover division. Well I was on a mission on the weekend of create the games I needed (instead of as well as doing reports).

Enter the snappily titled "Division Board Games". In NSW we are only expecting the kids to know their 2, 5 and 10 times table so these games focus mainly on these skills. I also get my kids to learn their 3's by the end of the year, so there is a game that includes 3's as well.

 Here is the complete pack (well the coloured version  - I have the luck of printing colour at school so dont usually use the B&W option) but each game board has a black line version too!
This "Divide By" games focus on a different division concept each. There is divide by 2, 5 and 10. This way you can hone in on a particular skill you know your kids need a bit of extra practice on.
These are the "Mixed" boards. They all have a mix of dividing by 2, 5 and 10 to cater for the students who have a grip on division.
And my kiddos fave game - Race to the finish. All around the board are spaces that are marked - move ** space, miss a turn, question and the dreaded Go back to the start!! I have included division facts for 2, 3 5 and 10. As you can see I printed each set on a different colour so that I can easily change them in and out of the game depending on skill level.

Here are some action shots :)

I promised there was full bodied children playing these games - they are not just hands and legs lol.

So if you are looking for fun division activities, click on the picture below to go and buy it at my TPT store. I am going to have it on for $3.50 for 24 hours, then it will be back to its normal price for $4.50.

PS. I will save it for my next post....but I have some interesting news too :)

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