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Monday, April 11, 2016

New look for Teachable Moments

Hi All
Long time, no blog.

I have had a bloggy overhaul by Gabby ( and have also changed my TPT store name to reflect the connection with the blog.

Click the pic to go and visit :)

In 2016, I aim to get back to blogging and share some ideas you can use in your classroom. And I am looking forward to it!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Go Noodle!! and a Giveaway

Every now and then, along comes something that changes your classroom. For me last year, this was Go Noodle. I am extremely excited to be sharing the ways I love using Go Noodle in my classroom....and there may even be a swag of Go Noodle goodies you can win!

Why do I think Go Noodle is so great?
Its the perfect way to get little (and not so little) bodies moving and ready for the day! In my Kindergarten classes, I would put this on first thing in the morning to Get Your Body Moving (one of our favourite Koo Koo Kangaroo tracks)

It's the perfect Brain Break!
When your students are transitioning from lesson to lesson, why not give them a break with a Go Noodle song? It might be a great opportunity for a KidzBop song, or time for some Zumba. Go Noodle gives kids a chance to recoup and refocus while having heaps of fun!

There is more to Go Noodle!
Another favourite of mine are the quiet, calming videos that can help your students calm down after break times. One of my fail safe Go Noodle clips for this purpose is titled Flow. It incorporates breathing with positive messages and is a perfect time for students (and teachers) to reflect. 

Add your own clips!
With the YouTube feature, you can add your favourite clips to your Go Noodle account so you can continue to help your champ grow. The kids love what happens to their champs as it goes up levels!
Image result for GONOODLE CHAMPS

So those are a few reasons I love Go Noodle in my classroom! How about you?

Now how about that swag? I have 25 Go Noodle pencils to give away - and everyone can enter! Go Noodle will ship anywhere in the world!!!!
Enter using the Rafflecopter below!! Entries close on the 11th September. Please leave me your email!

And one more Go Noodle goody for you! Grab your own Go Noodle swag in the Go Noodle shop and use the discount code BTSwithGoNoodle for 15% off!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Win a TPT $10 voucher!

Hi all
To help you get BTS with the best that TPT has to offer, I am giving you the chance to win a $10 TPT gift card.
No fancy entry procedure. Come back and enter every day! Winner drawn Thursday 12am (Sydney time)

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Free Learning Websites

Hi All

Tomorrow I will be running a parent workshop at school. It is focusing on kids tech time at home and what types of websites would be educational, but fun at the same time!! I pulled some of my favourites together in one handout and thought you might like it too!

Click the image to go and grab it from Google Drive.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Writing Folder - A helpful tool for building independence

Hi All!

I have been working on this one for soooo long. It's one of those ones that has sat and marinated, if you get my meaning. When I look up the details of the file, it tells me it was created in September 2014. Hmmmmm....

Introducing Writers Folder - A Student Writing Companion

I'll give you a peek at one I put together!

Print out all the pieces. To make it fit in one manila folder, I printed the inside pages 2 to a page.

Choose the cover you would like to use! I have included vertical and horizontal, color and B&W and girl and boy options which should cover you completely!!

Glue the chosen cover onto the front of your manila folder.

Glue the pages you would like inside. I have chosen to go in order that they are in the pack

Done! A easy-to-use student tool to help during writing time. You could make one for each student to store in their desk or tray, or make a few to place on tables or around the room.

Click any picture to find it on TPT.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Some updates

The nicest thing about reflection is that it allows us to look back and question. I have been working on TPT for a few years now and have been reflecting on some earlier creations of mine - and decided they needed to be freshened up!

Here is a look at a few of my recent updates

Ninja Verbs

From this

To this!!

 Place Value Pack

From this

To this - and over 20 pages added

 Ordinal Numbers

From this...

To this!!!

 and Independent Reading Contracts
with another new contract added to the pack

I'm happy with the updates and I hope you enjoy them too. If you own any of the packs, you can grab all the updates for free in My Purchases.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Scrappy Quote Posters

Hi again.

Yep. I know. Twice in one week.

I can't promise it all the time but just enjoy for now.

Just wanted to share some fun scrappy quote posters that I made with graphics from my girl Mel (Graphics from the Pond). I can't pick my fave!

They are $1 for this weekend only!!!

Click the image to grab them from TPT.