Its time for
I'm going to go by days this week
It was time to get my craft on. Our school concert is on this Wednesday and stress is at an all time high! I had to turn this template and some yellow felt into 13 sets of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles muscles to glue onto green tshirts.
I had a new prac student start...I also had a team teaching lesson with Literacy/Numeracy consultant in my area. Talk about head spinning
We looked at grouping and sharing in KB this week. I made these cute Playdoh sharing mats with graphics from Mel Graphics from the Pond. We also did grouping with counters into bowls, where the students picked a card (eg 2 groups of 2) and the bowls represented the groups. Kids really liked the activities.
We tried our concert items with some costumes on. What do you think of my tshirts? I love them and the boys did too!
I've been overhauling my current best seller - Rounding Games to Ten and Twenty. It's had a "font lift" and I have taken out some of the graphics to make it a little less 'cute'. Click any pic to find it in my TPT store.