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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Dice and Card Games! and a very unique Blog Hop!!!

Do you buy awesome units? Do you hate laminating? Do you then hate cutting all the laminated bits? Then I have a packet for you.

I have been working on something that only requires minimal cutting :) And the best part, it is based around either dice or a deck of cards, both which you can pick up at a cheap shop.

Here is a sneaky peek

There is a total of 20 games which you can print, laminate and forget about (or use it in your classroom - you choose hehe).

I would really appreciate a few sets of eyes to look over this for me so the first three people to comment with their email can have this set for free. If you miss out, I'll list it at a discounted price on TPT when it has been checked.

I hope you enjoy it

Onto the blog hop. Do you see those weird code things in store windows and wonder what they are? Do you play with codes in your classroom with students on ipods or ipads? Well you will enjoy this.

Stay tuned for details :)

This July 4 will be a bit of fun put together by the tech-savvy Christi at Ms. Fultz's corner.


  1. Hi Brooke, I love using dice and cards in the classroom so I'd be happy to look over the file for you.


    Down Under Teacher

  2. oops, it's downunderteacherblog at gmail dot com

  3. Would love to look too!

  4. Thank you for letting me have a peek! I LOVE these games! They will be SO easy to use in the classroom! Hardly any preparation = FANTASTIC!! I can't wait to use these! Such a good idea! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

    :) Shanyn
    Coffee, Kids and Compulsive Lists

  5. Thanks Shanyn :)Im excited to use them too

  6. This looks great Brooke!! I would love to help!!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  7. I will also look over these for you! I think I'm number 3!
    Amy K
    Where Seconds Count 2nd grade blog

  8. I forgot my email,
    Amy K
    Where Seconds Count 2nd grade blog

  9. Have I told you lately how much I love your blog? Well I do and to show my appreciation I'm posting something at midnight (oooooh the suspense) about you!!

    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class

  10. I'm in a generous mood :) Ill send it to Lisa, Amy and Jessica

  11. Thanks Brooke!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog :) I truly appreciate it!! I tried responding to you via email, but unfortunately your blog isn't set up to do that :( if you need help to change that I just blogged about it :)


    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class
    I hope that you'll join me for my giveaway ♥
